What Community Members are Saying About SafeSpace...
I know how much our community needs a reliable place to turn when children are experiencing the crisis of abuse. It makes so much sense to invest in a permanent home for SafeSpace.

J. Chris Zukin
General Manager
Meadow Outdoor Advertising
“This is one of those causes that just makes sense. A one stop location for all the help these children need”
“It just makes sense. To have a place where abused kids can feel safe , protected , loved and helped”

Mike Oates
​(Hood River County community member and farmer) Former Hood River Commissioner
“The SafeSpace Capital Campaign is designed to provide a permanent Columbia Gorge - Child Advocacy Center for the five-county Columbia Gorge region. We desperately need this facility so that we are able to begin the healing process for abused and/or neglected children in our communities. I strongly support this campaign.”

Carol Macines
Mayor of Fossil, Oregon
“SafeSpace provides delicate and professional services to the children of Wheeler County
. . We are fortunate to partner with Safespace. This resource is not available in rural Wheeler County. Having access provides an invaluable service here”

Lane Magill
Wasco County Sheriff
“As the Wasco County Sheriff I support SafeSpace because it plays an important part of how we investigate crimes against children. SafeSpace provides high quality forensic interviewers who understand the importance of gathering evidence for these criminal cases.
SafeSpace provides delicate and professional services to the children of Wheeler County”

Carmen Myers
AVP, Branch ManagerColumbia Bank, The Dalles OR
“When I was first approached by one of my fellow co-workers (Craig Ortega) about SafeSpace, I was intrigued. Shortly after I met with Beatrice, I was invited to take a tour of their current office space in Hood River and their new building. During that meeting, I recalled that I had briefly met her and heard about SafeSpace during a presentation for the United Way Grant program. Their mission stood out to me, because of what they stand for; children. Children are a precious gift! A program like SafeSpace that goes above and beyond to protect a child who has experienced trauma from experiencing additional trauma, is a program that I can get behind and support.”

Leslie Naramore
Executive DirectorWashington Gorge Action Programs
“I support SafeSpace because every kid deserves the chance to just be a kid and to feel safe in their community. SafeSpace provides the first step for kids to start their journey back to safety
SafeSpace matters to me in our region because if we didn’t have it here locally, families would have to travel for hours after a traumatic event, furthering their trauma”

Anne Carloss
Executive Director of Student Services
Hood River County School District
"Everyone has a story. Safe Space CAC listens to those stories and advocates for the children and families who are affected by child abuse. Please contribute and help us continue to listen in a safe, welcoming, and compassionate environment."

Tanner Hall
Gorge Realty Group Windermere Real Estate Columbia River Gorge
“I support Safe Space because it is a well organized and crucial service in our community. It is sad to think that we need these kinds of services, but Safe Space does an amazing job ensuring that the kiddos' health and wellness comes first”

Scott Williams ​
Chief Deputy for Wasco County Sheriff’s Department
"SafeSpace is critical to supporting the most vulnerable of our communities, getting them medical exams and giving them a voice when they have been abused, neglected or are a witness to a crime or a violent act. I support all their efforts to help children, families and law enforcement tell their story and help their healing"

Glen R. Patrizio
MD Medical Director &
Designated Medical Provider
SafeSpace Children's Advocacy Center of the Gorge
“We are the voice for the voiceless and the hope for the hopeless. The step off point for the children on the path to healing by validating their experiences and normalizing their feelings. Helping them reclaim their lives”

Anna Williams MSW
Executive Director, Oregon System of Care Advisory Council
“SafeSpace matters to our region because every child in Oregon deserves access to high quality care, no matter where they live. If SafeSpace weren't here, children who are suspected victims of abuse would have to travel to Portland for specialized services or use the emergency room, which often does not have pediatric specialists available. SafeSpace is a critical aspect of safety in our region - working with survivors of abuse to gather the evidence necessary to convict child abusers and providing trauma-informed care to help these children heal from their abuse”

Chief Neal Holste
Hood River City Police
“SafeSpace provides a comforting environment for victims of trauma to communicate their circumstances. Establishes first steps of healing through impartial justice”

Jeff Helfrich
Representative Jeff Helfrich
“As a former law enforcement officer, I’ve experienced the horrors of being the first person to show up to a scene of child abuse. I’m grateful for SafeSpace and the work to do to support our community’s most vulnerable children. The physical and emotional support they provide is invaluable.”

Travis and Lyndsey Duddles
Owners of Gorge Fly Shop
“We know that the community does not know what you guys do, and getting the community informed about the invaluable services you offer to children, will allow those in need to access them. Supporting something that gives a voice to children of all ages gives something for them to hold onto, how to move through that process of healing is priceless!
We have found that Child Abuse is just something people need to know about, because if we are not willing to talk about it, It is really going to affect or kids”

Jeff Dellis
I support Safespace because when I imagine what kind of trauma these victimized children must experience, I recognize what a positive impact Safespace is for both them and our community.

Russell J. Spino
Columbia River Inter-Tribal Police
“It is a sad thing to know there are people out there who would harm children and create traumatic situations that can last a lifetime. Knowing SafeSpace exists and is working to reduce trauma and provide healing for neglected and abused children brings hope to me and I fully support their efforts”

Matt English
​Hood River County Sheriff
“SafeSpace Advocacy Center has been a godsend for local law enforcement,” said Hood River Sheriff’s Office Detective Matt English. “In the Center’s relatively short existence, we have immediately benefited from the resources they provide to our investigations and the community.” English went on to say, “The sensitive nature of child abuse cases and the laws surrounding their investigation require an expertise and specific skill set, which is imperative when interviewing children. SafeSpace has given us that resource locally.”

April Aamodt
Gilliam County Victims Assistance Director
“SafeSpace matters to me in our region because if we didn’t have it here locally, families would have to travel for hours after a traumatic event, furthering their trauma”

Tiffany Kenslow
Director of Mental Health
Dufur School District
“I support SafeSpace because in addition to the excellent work that they do with children who have experienced abuse, they also provide community and school support through their prevention programs.Dufur school and community have both reaped the benefits of these prevention efforts. Thank you SafeSpace!”

Carrie Rassmusen
Hood RIver County District Attorney
“Since 2009 SafeSpace has completely changed the way we respond to child abuse victims. Improved interview techniques and a supportive environment where we can ask these tough questions mean fewer trials and early access to healing services.”